"QSL is the final courtesy of a QSO" but in the recent years I have had a significant number of QSLs sed via Bureau has not been answered, with is a waste on associates resources.
I therefore decided do not send more card automatically for each QSO, unless it was requested during same contact.
All logs are periodically uploaded on LoTW and ClubLog.
If you need paper QSL for collection purpose or for the award/program please use only ClubLog Online QSL Request System, not send your QSL via Bureau, they will not be received, will have no answered.
If you prefer direct postal-mail remember to including a self addressed envelope and sufficient postage for reply, no IRC please.
SWL reports are welcome, appreciated and no return postage are needed.
Please contact me if you did not receive my QSL card in an appropriate time, or QSO is before August 2011.
QRL and QRO stations are logged with only call sign, without /QRO or /QRP.