The radio has attracted me since I was a boy and for years I have listened to shortwave broadcast, "snooping" often inside a home receiver.
Later an old radio amateurs, a friend of my father, introduced me to the world of radio and I started listening to his communications with and old receiver and a dipole attached to the roof of the house.
My first radio operations, however, did not occur civilian frequencies but on those intended for military activities, during which I had the good fortune to specialise in "transmission" and to command (Lt) a unit.
Back in civilian life I obtained the amateur radio license with the callsign IW2BLZ.
Since I only allowed VHF and UHF activity, I dedicated myself for several years to the portable activity, bringing me a small raio on the mountains that surround my city, located on a valley floor.
A few years later I removed dust from military key and rust to cw, I upgraded to General Class, all the bands, and I received my current call IK2FDV (October 1984).
I like work SSB and RTTY, rarely CW. I use also WSJT.
Mostly in the HF bands and am always looking for the DXCCs, I am often active during the major contests, just give some points, but also in portable VHF and UHF from the mountains surrounding my QTH.
Working conditions at home, WWLoc JN46WE
transceivers Icom IC-7610, ICOM IC-7300, Yaesu FT991
antennas - Three Element Beam, A3S Cushcraft
- Inverted V, Spiderbeam Aerial-51, 10/40 Meters
- Wide Band Dissone, DS-15 Comet.
During presence in Sardinia I am active, in free time, in holiday style.
Transceivers Icom IC-7300, Yaesu FT991
antennas - Spiderbeam Aerial-51 404-UL dipole on 12 m fiberglass pole
- Firewire v 2.0 BB6W long wire dipole antenna.
Log loaded after my return on the "mainland".